Acetate and dreams
A little bit about us
I think I put most of the relevant information about us on the homepage, but should you care to know more ...
Brent Reynolds
Songwriter / guitarist / vocalist
My earliest memories are of my father's folk band practicing in our living room. I was supposed to be in bed, but I would get up and listen to them from down the hall.
While I always played and wrote music, I didn't start my first band until I was 16 or 17 (the band pictured on the homepage). We were an original band from the beginning but we didn't get very far as I decided to join the military to get married - that didn't work out (getting married) - though I did spend years in the Air Force. Afterward, I worked for various defense contractors and eventually went to film school. My wife told me to forget film school and work on my music. While I have had a somewhat successful career in film and television, she was right, my first love has always been music and should have pursued that. It is hard to be a success in two fields that demand so much and in which the element of luck (in the sense of the harder I work, the luckier I get) plays such a big role.
So, now here I am a long career in film under my belt, two daughters who are basically grown, finding my way back to my first love and lucky enough to have two brothers who support me. I do hope that we are able to make good progress on our backlog of music and that you enjoy it.
glenn Reynolds
songwriter / guitarist / IT / Engineer
Glenn is the reason any of this happens. In addition to being a collaborator on most of the songs that I write, Glenn is the guy behind the scenes who makes sure that everything works. From building our DAWs, to finding cool gear, virtual instruments and effects. He is the consummate tinkerer and engineer.
In addition, he has this wonderful superpower of being able to come up with amazing lines and titles. He will send me send me lyrics for a song and while most of the lines are average, sometimes even parochial, there will be one or two lines that are pure genius. Sometimes they don't make sense, but they sound so cool and paint such a vivid picture - Hanging on a dream, at the edge of a prayer - it sounds at once desperate and hopeful. His genius has been the inspiration that has taken a number of our songs to the next level.
Kevin Reynolds
Drummer / Bassist / vocalist / coach
I basically forced Kevin to play drums in the band pictured on the homepage. He was only 14 and had terrible stage fright. But, he was always tinkering around on my Frankensteined drum set - and he had a great voice with a knack for coming up with awesome harmonies. A talent that is still in full force. In fact, in a recent discussion between my brother Glenn and I we decided it was Kevin's harmonies that define our sound.
Nowadays, in addition to drumming and singing with Glenn and I, Kevin is one of the most esteemed and respected volleyball coaches in the Southeast. I had to read that in an article as Kevin is a really cool, humble guy who would never say it himself. I'll say it for him!!!
say hi
If you would like to know more about us or collaborate - drop us a line.